Monday, July 17, 2006

Omniscient Lie

Inching towards the ultimate black hole,
Tempting doom summons my battered soul.
Seeking an escape, I look ’round for thee,
Alas! Conspicuous silence alone greets me.

Vanquished at thy feet I lie,
Stifling life piercing inside.
Muted cry of anguish scorned!
Art thou Satan in the guise of God?

Master of the divine sanctuary,
Where wert thou when I needed thee?
Hallowed keeper of the multitude’s faith,
Did thou flee, when I came in thy quest?

O powerful Creator, art thou a lie?

O merciful Saviour, art thou just a lie


Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

There really is a great sense of despair, waiting for the Lord to act, isn't there? personally, i think it's upto people to realise they have God In THEM and act accordingly.

Tanvi said...

The Almighty has ever rendered us confused. We fail to see light when clouds of despair engulf us and eventually, we are drenched with endless questions.
I fail to understand any of His plans.Thank God, I am an atheist!

khadli said...

@ redemption
i agree... you do seem to have got the sentiments i am trying to express... and i absolutely admit that god resides within us. but its just the escapist attitude to blame him when things aren't going the way i want them to be... a weak attitude, i know!

khadli said...

yes... thank GOD, you are an atheist!! lol

khadli said...

thank you for the info, but i'd like it if you gave me your name with it... anonymous msgs and comments are something i don't quite like

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.