Sunday, November 19, 2006

writing woes :(

Once upon a time, I loved to write. That was due to the false belief that I could write. But, I can’t. I just can’t. I write horribly. This piece itself is a perfect example of how badly I write. What am I doing in a course like Comm E? I shouldn’t be here. I am guilty of stealing a much coveted seat from someone more deserving; from someone who passionately desires to write. Wait, that’s me! Guess then, I stole this seat from someone who passionately desires to write and CAN write passionately well. That’s not me. I write horribly. I lack individuality. I lack style. My writing doesn’t appeal to people and if that is the case, then why write at all? Isn’t it futile to shout yourself hoarse when your screams fall on deaf ears? Everything points to the unpalatable fact that I can’t write- my Comm. E marks, the gradual but noticeable decline in my enthusiasm and interest levels for the course in its entirety and even words elude me now unlike good old times when they tripped over each other in their haste to be told. All the folks who told me that I could write and do a good job at it… thank you for being such lovely liars! I can’t write and that’s a heart – wrenching fact. *sigh* I find writing insufferable and tedious now. Dear me! I detest writing!


Anonymous said...

dude, second year comm e does that to you,seriously. i went through it too.

it's like some mechanical thing now...even now!

but relax girl, bound to happen,no fret.

wait for thrid year. it's much more interesting,if i can say...[no sarcasm] as it's only visuals, and visuals are much easier to sample with.

Ramses said...

ah,the previous comment was by me. forgot to log in.

khadli said...

lol... thank you! it offers me great solace! hmmm... what would i do without you?? hehehe

pavan said...

Writing has a lot to do with phrasing. It's how you get the reader's attention. Writing is a way of saying something by not saying it directly. It's saying more with less. Writing is using words as a tool for expression. Now write 10 sentences about me.